
Discover LAPOINTE's lilac and lavender collection, featuring soft hues of violet and lavender clothing. From opulent lavender gowns to fitted violet crop tops and lilac suits, explore show-stopping styles for special occasion. Embrace monochrome looks or mix separates for a head-to-toe lavender outfit with bold and luxe details such as feathers, silk and sequins.

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  • Tulle Veil
  • Satin Dress With Feathers
  • Feather Jacket
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  • Satin Halter Gown
  • Satin Halter Gown
  • Mesh Sequin Gown
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Discover LAPOINTE's lilac and lavender collection, featuring soft hues of violet and lavender clothing. From opulent lavender gowns to fitted violet crop tops and lilac suits, explore show-stopping styles for special occasion. Embrace monochrome looks or mix separates for a head-to-toe lavender outfit with bold and luxe details such as feathers, silk and sequins.